Do You Have A Refrigeration Project We Can Help With?
Specialists In Restaurant Supplies & Refrigeration
CCR has over 35 years of foodservice and refrigeration expertise. We specialize in restaurant equipment sales & service, custom kitchen designs, and custom refrigeration solutions.
Our Core Values
CCR takes pride in offering the highest quality service backed by years of expertise and friendly customer service!
Restaurant Owners Say

“We decided to purchase our restaurant supplies from Complete Commercial Refrigeration because of their competitive prices but most of all their friendly service!”

“When running our bar there are often times where our ice machines run out of ice or are or we need a piece of equipment serviced and the only people we trust are the pros at Complete Commercial Refrigeration, their service is second to none.”
Latest News
Check out the CCR blog for the latest news from the foodservice industry as well as our articles about the restaurant industry and how to maximize the profits from your business!
Bookkeeping for Restaurants
Bookkeeping for Restaurants Bookkeeping for restaurants and record keeping is one of the most important things business owners should get right if they intend to last long in business. Particularly so for restaurants because they
How to Start a Restaurant
How to Start a Restaurant Learn How to Start a Restaurant: Restaurants are fast becoming the perfect investments for anyone seeking to expand in the hospitality industry. Gone are the days when it was considered
Restaurant Staff Scheduling
Staff Scheduling for Restaurants Staff Scheduling Restaurant working hours are very delicate; considering how they serve food and the fact that there is no one fixed time range for people to eat or
Trusted Partners
We partner with the highest quality manufacturers in the foodservice and refrigeration industry to offer top quality products to our customers.